Monday, May 10, 2010


So the View you are seeing behind Hayden is a picture I took from the side of the Castle wall in Volterra, Italy. Yep thats right you big PUBES Hayden and went there with some friends. The town is really cool and has some awesome winding roads that lead up to this town that sits high on a mountain top.
Our friends that we have had since our first days here in Italy (living in the CASA together) The Gomez- Illa, Miguel, Jimmy and Jaden.
We walked up a really steep hill on the side of the city to get into the town square and wondered around a bit just to check it out, a recon mission if you will, cause we will be going back. The drive was about two hours away from where we live. May go back on the motorcycle when Steve is here and we have all summer to travel without the kid...
Here is the clock tower and Duomo (church) as mentioned in the book, but not the movie according to my obsessed sister who says that they has to film in another town cause the lighting was "No Vabene" (Not good).