Monday, August 9, 2010

Early Congrats to my BFF!!

I just wanted to let you all know my Best friend in Salt Lake is having her baby today (August 9, 2010) Wanted her to know I was thinking of her all day and wishing I was there. This is the first birth of of all of her kids that I have not been right in the room for and feeling a little sad, but happy that her new little girl is finally coming today! I LOVE YOU and God bless you and your little family of SIX!


Candace said...

you're so great - and I completely missed you being in the hospital with me. But the labor/birth was cake this time. 3 pushes and she was here. And she's such a great baby too. All the kids are loving her. Look on facebook for pictures. Your mom's blanket is in a ton of them. I let Ali pick out a going-home blanket and that is the one she picked. Love you.