Monday, February 8, 2010

Ronald Reagan Report

For about six weeks now Hayden (and his parents) have been researching and working on a "Living History Museum" project for school. The kids were able to choose someone famous in history to present. The end result was standing the 4th/5th grade class standing around the school Gym so when people came up to the "Historical Person" they were to give a factual speech about them in the first person without noting there death. Hayden chose Ronald Reagan. Some of people we learned about were Picasso, Sacajawea, Michael Jackson, Arnold Swar...whatever, Margaret Bourke White (first famous woman photographer), Sitting Bull, Amelia Earhart, and more.
Its was fun to see and my friend took a video of Hayden's speech so when she gives me a copy I will see if I can put it on the blog so you can watch it.
Miss you all tons....


Anonymous said...

Looking good sis...can't wait to watch Hayden's speech!! LOVE YOU

Jenny said...

Way to go Hayden (and parents!)! Sounds like quite an interesting group of people that were chosen.